TriFection Serves as a Leader With GHBA Board Positions

Serving on Board of Directors for GHBA council

TRI-JeffTriFection Serves as a Leader in the Remodeling Industry With GHBA Board Positions

TriFection management continues to be well-represented on the Board of Directors for the Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA) Remodelers Council.  During a December ceremony, the Board reinstalled TriFection co-owner Jeff Roberts for a fourth term as Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee and also elected him Secretary of the Council.  In these important roles, Jeff will inform membership of all relevant legislative developments on the local, state and national levels and maintain all official records of the Council.

TRI-MelanieFor the 2018 term, TriFection Selections Manager Melanie Heinrich will serve as Co-Chairman of the Charity Project Committee.  In this capacity, Melanie will plan and execute at least one major charity project next year.  Past charity projects have benefited local community charities such as Casa de Esperanza, SIRE Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Habitat for Humanity, and Boys and Girls Country, among many others.

GHBA Charity Garage Sale
GHBA Charity Garage Sale

The GHBA represents all aspects of the residential building industry in the greater Houston area. Chartered in 1941, GHBA is a trade organization whose members are involved in the development, homebuilding, and remodeling industry across 11 counties. Its primary mission is to be the voice of Houston’s residential construction industry and to serve the community by strongly advocating professionalism and best practices for residential construction and remodeling. The association interacts with the government, community and general public to enhance the business climate for its members, and to provide quality obtainable housing to the community it serves. GHBA is also active in community outreach and charitable events.


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